

Posted Thursday 28th November 2024

On Sunday morning of Dec 15th, we'll once again be holding an Instant Pop-Up Nativity, starting at the usual service time of 10 am.

The morning will include some crafts and activities to begin with, some of the carols you know and love, and we'll tell a fun and interactive version of the Christmas story.

And we need your help!! Please come dressed as your favourite Christmas character and help us act out the nativity. We'll need Marys and Josephs (everyone who comes can take part if they'd like) as well as shepherds, angels and wise men! Refreshments will also be available.

This is event will be extremely suitable for all ages, so please feel free to bring along your friends and family. If you have any questions, please emailĀ abbie(at)

Instant Nativity 2024.jpg