Pastor’s Welcome

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Thank you so much for taking the time to surf our website. We hope it has provided you with all the information you need in an accessible fashion.

I am convinced it's an exciting time to be a part of God’s church. Without doubt, people need the Lord more now than ever and there is still a great spiritual curiosity and hunger. People don’t want religion. They’re not interested in going through the motions. They certainly don’t want to fill their overloaded schedules. What they want is to breathe God’s breath ... to know and experience His love and grace … to feel welcomed and valued … to be challenged … to receive prayer … to do something meaningful … to give to something lasting … to follow something inspiring.

In the book of Acts, the New Testament church was full of such life. There was an overriding sense of awe. People were added to the church daily. Relationships were deep; community was thriving. God showed up in powerful ways: the sick were healed … the lost were found … the captive were set free … the broken were put back together again. This is what church could be like … in fact it should be like.

What would church be like if you could have your wildest dreams? You’d want to come back every week because you knew you’d meet with God. You’d want to hear the next part of the teaching series because you knew it would be answering the questions you’re asking. You’d want to go forward for prayer because you knew it would make a difference. You’d be confident to invite your friends because you knew it would be good.

Well, that’s our dream. A church where nothing is standing in the way of all that the Lord has for us. Where the Holy Spirit is at liberty to inspire and empower and speak. Where people are growing and learning and changing. Where kids and young people are being deeply rooted in the things of God. Where all the generations are represented and flourishing. We’re not there yet, but we’re on the way … dreaming together.

Please read our vision statement to see what we think church could be like. Please read our mission statement to see what we’re here for and what we value. And please come and visit us. Come and see for yourself. Come with a voice to sing and an open heart to receive. Maybe the Lord wants to touch you. Maybe the Lord is calling you to join us. Maybe you have something to give that we need.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. And if you do visit, please make a point to say ‘Hi!’

God bless you richly and thanks for reading,

Jamie Cox