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Meeting at theBarn on term time Fridays, Fusion Friday is a great place to come and connect with friends and with God. We have various activities throughout the evening: these can include cookery, art, dance, music, board games, football, badminton and lots more. At 8pm we all gather together for the Godslot, which is a space where we encounter God's presence through His word and worship.

Fusion is a great place to come and unwind after a busy week at school, our leaders are always on hand to chat, play football or to pray with you. For more information please DM us on Instagram or email emma(at)thebarn.org.uk.



Our Sunday morning session for 11-16s is relaxed and informal, but follows a teaching programme that allows young people to get to grips with being a Christian and gives them an opportunity to ask all the difficult questions.

Starting off in the main service, our young people leave after the second set of sung worship and come upstairs into theStudio for their own programme. 

If you have any questions, please contact Emma King, our Youth & Families Pastor, on emma(at)thebarn.org.uk, or chat to any of our youth team on a Sunday morning.

"Sunday mornings are great! My favourite parts are the discussions & finding Bible verses that I can really relate to" - Emily, 16



Every 3rd Sunday evening from 6.15 to 8.15.

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Connect with theBarnYouth

Facebook: /theBarnYouth
Twitter: @theBarnYouth
Instagram: theBarnYouth


Emma King
Youth & Families Pastor