
theBarn is ready

Posted Saturday 11th February 2012

theBarn — as of 6pm on Saturday 11 February — is now ready for its first service, Sunday 12 February at 10:30 am.

Back wide fisheyeAfter a month of extraordinary effort and talent, Bidford Baptist's theBarn team have transformed a dilapidated playbarn into a 200 seater church centre, with dedicated creche, and children's facilities.

Although ready for the first service, the work is not complete. Upstairs the Live Lounge for youth group Live Generation still has to be renovated, as does the children's overspill area theDen. The curtaining around the hall is expected to be completed over the next two weeks.

A number of the chairs have been borrowed from Bidford Primary School — the rest of theBarn's own chairs are only arriving in England next week.

theBarn's first service is 12 February, but the grand opening will be on 1 April, when a widespread invitation will go out to local people.

As a point of comparison, here is what theBarn looked like exactly one month before, right at the start of its renovation.
